
祝贺我们的新商业总监克里斯·摩尔(Chris Moore)

我们很高兴宣布任命克里斯·摩尔(Chris Moore)为商业总监。克里斯(Chris)于2017年加入我们,担任运营经理,并于去年四月成为商业经理。克里斯成为第一位非家庭导演,这是阿普尔顿伍兹之旅的一个里程碑。亚搏体育安卓

  1. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Driven, Supportive, Personable

  1. Can we expect any new changes from you within your new role?

我在管理职业的早期就学到了一些东西是,当您进入新角色时,我能做的最好的事情就是观察,倾听和理解!我们在阿普尔顿伍兹(Appleton Woods)拥有一亚搏体育安卓支出色的团队,他们在当前气候下表现出色。

  1. 现在成为商业总监感觉如何!

I am delighted and proud to become the first non-family director at Appleton Woods. It is an important milestone in my personal development and a significant point in Appleton Woods’ history.

  1. 您喜欢在业余时间做什么样的事情?

Where possible I like to spend my spare time socialising with friends and family. I also like to play and watch Golf and Football as well as being a keen cook.

  1. 到目前为止,您的新角色迄今为止最大的挑战是什么?

Switching focus from the day-to-day challenges in Sales, Marketing and Operations as a Commercial Manager to a more strategic outlook as Commercial Director.

  1. 告诉我们一个有趣的事实!

There is literally nothing that anybody reading this would find remotely interesting about me to be honest.

  1. Who is your favourite superhero and why?


  1. 您最喜欢的Appleton产品是什么,为什么?


  1. Tell us about your favourite holiday/event!


  1. 您对星期五半天的感觉如何……?


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